Monday, April 2

Let's Play Dress-up!

Mia invited her little neighbor friends Kilani and Anaya over to play dress up the girls were just to cute! There were some Fairies, princesses, ballerinas and even a doctor in the house! It was just to precious the best part was Mia sharing with them about how she thinks there's monsters in her room but that god is with her and so she is not scared! I was just grinning from ear to ear to hear her sharing! Praise god!!!


wedogmomma said...

um Karla it's time to now!!
I don't care if you're shoveling up puke....Hit those keys!!!
I need my fix :D

Trixie said...

um yeah, I agree. I've been waiting myself please don't make me pray that you will start posting again - I would hate for the conviction to have to hit you! hee hee