Sunday, March 25

Bangs Baby!!!

We had a very busy weekend but very fun! Which I love it when at the end the kids look exhausted but yet are so content that they've spent time with their friends and also did stuff with their family! My sister in law Jen her Birthday is tomorrow so me and her sister planned a surprise party for her with all her other girlfriends at this pottery place today and it was so much fun! She seemed surprise which is good considering I almost told her like five times today who was going! Thank you lord that I kept my mouth shut! I must say that I love to do things for other people if I was rich I would seriously be broke because I would love to throw everyone a party and just spoil them! It is so much fun and the look on their faces is priceless! Check this picture out this is me in 8th grade with my friend Jaime and Tiffany! We are sooo cool! (okay maybe not!) Do you notice the BANGS!!! Whewww WEE! I'll leave you with this historic picture of the 8th grade Dance!!! God Bless! Please share of your priceless pictures with me! (so I don't feel like a total dork)

Tuesday, March 20

My Little Sisi Meghan!

(me holding my little sisi the day she was born 03/06/1992) (Meghan 3 years old)

(Meghan 15, Just Beautiful!)

I have a little sister named Meghan she is fisteen years old and I was thinking today as I was watching Mia playing doing things my sister would have done how time is just going by so fast. I remember putting my sister to bed and thinking I can't wait till you are in high school it's going to be great! And here she is a Fresman and just beautiful, smart, loves the lord and I'm in just tears over how much I'm missing in her life right now! I thought I was going to be there taking her to her friends house and hanging out with me and it is so not the case she's in southern california and I'm here far far away. I miss her so much and the lord has filled some of that with my two cutie pies. Thank you lord. I Love you so much Meghan I pray for you everyday, you will always be my first little girl in my heart!! God Bless you!

Sunday, March 18

Happy First Birthday Natalia!

Woke up today at 9:35 that's right I said 9:35 I could'nt believe it my kids slept in they are usually up at 7:30 and I make them wait till 8 to get up. It felt so good! But sundays usually we are all up early but it was way to late so we didn't make it to church. Lord please forgive us!!! We did make it to Natalia's First Birthday Party!! It was so cute, the kids had a great time and of course Nikki did a great job with the decorations, food and the cake was awesome!! Clint starts his week at work on sundays and it is always the hardest day for me so it was nice to have done something fun for all of us. We will see what this week has in store for us. God Bless!

Saturday, March 17

Let's just chill !!!

Today was just such a beautiful day, the kids played in the backyard and I was able to just kickback and finish reading my book club book "the curious incident of the dog in the nightime" by Mark Haddon that was so good. Thank you Clint that you were home today. These are some of the pics of today and on that last one I really don't think Evan liked her getting behind him like that!! What do you think? We had a 4oth birthday party to go today for Clint's co-worker and it was so nice. Forty is definately a different age group he had music from his generation playing and it was funny!!!! Not to dis on anyone who is 40 I happen to think it's a great age just that the music was funny! Oh here's something quite funny my husband decided to run an orange light (you know when it's already been yellow and is now red) on Laurel and O'hara tonight on the way home and guess what happened next, yep you guessed it we got pulled over!!!!! So I instantly get stressed I'm irritated and Thank you Jesus he happen to see Clint's ID and asked what department he worked for, and then said "have a good Evening". (is this like a get out of jail free card or what) I of course was not that nice to my husband about it! So anyways it was a great day and we were blessed with beautiful weather and wonderful company! God bless you all!

Thursday, March 15

Snuggle Bugs!

I came home from book club to this. Daddy and Mia snuggled on the couch asleep. She missed her daddy since he worked 6 days of twelve hour night shifts. You have to take advantage of opportunities like this because there may come a day when they won't want you to sit by them so snuggle away while you get a chance.! I have a Praise Report Clint has been Officially with the sheriff's department for a year now and he is off of probation! Hallelulia!!!! He had a wonderful review and I just give all the glory to god for his blessing upon that job! May Clint continue to be a light for the lord. Thank you to all those that were there for us praying that he would be hired somewhere. PRAise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, March 14


I was looking at my pictures on my computer and found these, Mia was just 1 year old and we were in Arizona at the time. That seems so long ago well actually two years ago. When we were in Arizona it felt like we were visiting for 8 months it's awesome how we never saw it coming. My cutie patootie is just to adorable I love looking back at these pictures because it reminds of how big she is getting and how I need to appreciate every moment with her. And to think she was just a thought in our minds and now she is three years old. Thank you Jesus! May the lord bless you with the desires of your heart.

Tuesday, March 13


I spent some time adding new things to my blog today, it's definately very addicting. Mia had a playdate today with Kyra they played with her little kitchen the whole time, it's so cute to see little girls playing with a kitchen because they really do mimic what ever they see mom do in theirs. (which with mine a whole lot of microwave stuff is done, and she does have a toy microwave so she really plays along well!!) Evan felt a little lonely so he was in the backyard wrecking stuff (such a boy). I have a feeling he is going to be that annoying little brother because he kept going into Mia's room and grabbing what ever they were playing with and they just kept saying "E vaaan STOP" Now you know I have the next well forever to hear that!!! They are soooo cute! Bible study was tonight and it's so awesome when the lord puts you somewhere and he just tugs at your heart the whole time! I love it! Praise you lord for you are mighty and awesome! blessings to all my family and friends!!

Monday, March 12

My first blog!

So here I am this was so simple to figure out I can't even believe it. I have been inspired to do this by a some very creative people. So I'll give it a try and see how well I do at it. I personally think that it is great and I love that I can post pictures to let you know what I'm talking about! Tonight turned out to be a great night I did not forsee which turned out to be a nice surprise. I did the whole night routine with the kids and it went smooth! They got to bed on time which helped me do some of my crafts, Praise GOD!!! This is my little Project that I worked on today it's for Nikki's Baby Talia's first Birthday!!! It doesn't show all the detail but it turned out really cute! I pray for more blogging time tomorrow! Have a blessed day!