I spent some time adding new things to my blog today, it's definately very addicting. Mia had a playdate today with Kyra they played with her little kitchen the whole time, it's so cute to see little girls playing with a kitchen because they really do mimic what ever they see mom do in theirs. (which with mine a whole lot of microwave stuff is done, and she does have a toy microwave so she really plays along well!!) Evan felt a little lonely so he was in the backyard wrecking stuff (such a boy). I have a feeling he is going to be that annoying little brother because he kept going into Mia's room and grabbing what ever they were playing with and they just kept saying "E vaaan STOP" Now you know I have the next well forever to hear that!!! They are soooo cute! Bible study was tonight and it's so awesome when the lord puts you somewhere and he just tugs at your heart the whole time! I love it! Praise you lord for you are mighty and awesome! blessings to all my family and friends!!
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