Tuesday, April 29

It's Hot, Let's splash in the pool!

It was sooo hot that we decided to have the kids splash around and be silly in the pool! They are so funny if they could play in the water all the time they would never come

inside the house. That and sand I tell you they love it!!!!!!I can't wait until the summer!!! Here's a couple pictures of their water fun!! I got to finish my two classes on sunday! wohooo!!! And on MOnday I started my two new ones!! So much for a break!

Monday, April 28

Friends Birthday Party!!

We went to JJ's Birthday party on Saturday and let me tell you it was a hot day!!! The kids had a lot of fun and they even got to take a swing at a BIG pinata!!! I of course forgot my camera but got pictures courtesy of Nikki. So here they are:

Thursday, April 24

Evans Doctors Appointment

Evan went to the doctor today so that we could talk to them about these episodes that he has been having. They started when he was 8 months old and would only have one every once in a while and since January it has happened three times so now I 'm a concerned parent. I was told the first time I inquired about it that it was normal for kids to cry and hold their breath and stop breathing. But now at 2 years old this answer does not cut it. My son will be crying and then stop breathing and all of the sudden be lying there limp. Clint (thank god he has been home everytime it has happened) has to blow in his face and try and stimulate him for him to come back. When he does regain consciousness he is lethargic for at least the next forty five minutes. Does this sound like something normal that a kid goes through? I think not!! So, What did we get out of the appointment: a referall to the neurologist, blood work (which I feel sorry for the nurse who has to take his blood, he hates doctors!!!) and an opthalmologist appointment. So praise god!! So my prayer is that if their is something wrong, I pray that they will find the answers and help us help him. And also I pray that they find absolutetly nothing wrong and that it never happens again!!! So I leave you tonight with that prayer request!!! Love yall!! May God Bless your evening!! XOXO

Wednesday, April 23

Mia and her new haircut!

So daddy took Mia to get a trim and she came home with a darling little short haircaut!! I was quite shocked that he let them cut it so short but she looked beautiful!! Although it made her look like she went from 4 years old to 9 within a few hours! Barb blessed us a few nights later with some awesome dress up clothes which Mia loves and wears all the time! So here is a picture that I took of her while she was checking herself out in the mirror she had no idea I was taking because I took it from my cell phone. She really is a little princess!! This is a girl that when she wakes up in the morning the first thing she says is not "good morning" its "is it to cold outside to wear a dress Mom" No joke that's all she ever wants to wear.


I got myself a J O B!!! The lord provided and amazing job for me the schedule works great for me and Clint, the pay is good and there is only three people in the office!!!!! The owner of the company is an older man, his daughter works there and she brings her cutie little princess who is "2" years old to work with her. I'm very thanful for the job and the fact that I can have flexibility with my schedule. It's so true that the lord knows the desires of our hearts!! The most precious thing is when I get home from only being gone maybe five hours the kids just hug and kiss on me like it's been days!! They are so precious!!

My little rascals!!

A couple of weekends ago we decided to go to Monterey and hang out at the beach all day. We went to the dunes very close to were we had camped and we had an amazing day! I of course forgot my camera and so only have one picture of Mia and Evan holding hands in the car on the way home. The funny thing about that picture is that they had both two seconds earlier thrown the biggest hizzy fit and all of the sudden they are all smile holding each others hands. That is a true brother and sister realationship!! God bless them!!

Wednesday, April 9

Easter Egg Hunt @ The Fagans

Youth Winter Retreat

I had the privilege to take the Youth girls to the retreat and Clint stayed with the kids. I had an amazing time. These girls are just a true blessing in my life..

1920's Surprise Birthday Party

We had a Surprise Birthday party for B and it was so much fun she really had no idea and I was jsut so excited to do host it for her!! Here are just a few pics of the Youth Girls having some fun!! Did I mention it was a Sleepover!!!

Mia's First Sleepover!! (Jan 2008)

I know this isn't in order but I just found the pictures so here you go!! Mia spent the night @ her friend A and she did amazing!! I thought for sure we were going to get a call at midnight but nothing!!! She had a wonderful time!! I sent Clint prepared with the camera to take pictures of her when he dropped her off. So here are the pictures!!