Sunday, March 18

Happy First Birthday Natalia!

Woke up today at 9:35 that's right I said 9:35 I could'nt believe it my kids slept in they are usually up at 7:30 and I make them wait till 8 to get up. It felt so good! But sundays usually we are all up early but it was way to late so we didn't make it to church. Lord please forgive us!!! We did make it to Natalia's First Birthday Party!! It was so cute, the kids had a great time and of course Nikki did a great job with the decorations, food and the cake was awesome!! Clint starts his week at work on sundays and it is always the hardest day for me so it was nice to have done something fun for all of us. We will see what this week has in store for us. God Bless!


wedogmomma said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the party but it wouldn't have been such a blast without Talia's little posse! I love that she's surrounded by boys! And the older ones weren't even there....just her one year old pals!! Whew! We are so blessed...good friends, good times!