So Evan doesn't need classes, thank goodness!!! It was complete chaos at the doctors specially when I had to hold him down to put the eye drops in! But don't ask me about the doctor he was a trip! I'm not to sure how he could really check his eyes when all Evan did was push his hand away and scream!! Thank you so much for praying for him. Now two ore appointments to go!! I got an early Mothers Day present, I wanted the movie P.S. I Love You and I got it! So I'm sooo watching it tonight even if I have to rush through my homework!! :)
Have a wonderful evening!!
Tuesday, May 6
Evans Doctors Appointment Part 2
Posted by The Shafer's at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4
Update on EVan
He has eye doctor appointment tomorrow morning...Please pray he hates doctors and I don't have any idea how they are going to test him!!!!
June is his Neurologist appointment and yes I said June, can you believe it so I pray that he does not have another episode this month!!
So far that's it I will write tomorrow and see how that appointment goes!!!
God bless you all who read this!! Love you, Karla
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Bible Study @ Kaiser!

Posted by The Shafer's at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Justin turns 13!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Hanging out!
We went to my familias house and helped clean out a teeenage girls closet, lets just say at the end there were four black bags of clothes!!! whoa!! That's a lot of clothes, I was so proud of her for letting go! We had a blast it was ust a day of helping others and hanging out and a little bbq!!! This family has been a blessing in our lives and I thank God for bringing us together. Have you guessed who it is ............That's right it's theHINTONS!!!! Here's some pictures of our day! I know your asking yourself does Clint fall asleep everytime we go somewhere! And the answer is yes!!! He is a sleepy head has been since I can remember. In fact when we were in high school and his brother would be having a party he was the one sleeping on the couch!! He is such a good boy!! :) That' s why I LOVE HIM!!!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:57 PM 0 comments