Tuesday, June 24

Strong Willed

My son had his appointment to check on the seizures that he has been having. Basically what came out of it was that he is having breath holding spells and then he is having a small seizure. We are told that it's okay they will not harm him now or later. He is just STrONG-WILLED!!!!! First let me start by saying praise god that I don't have a child with a major problem!! Secondly oh my goodness my son is so strong willed that even as a two year old he tries to talk me out of me saying "no" to him. Evan though a lot of what he says is not clear he still will sit there and point and try to get me to change my mind!! The doctor said that this might last until he is about 6 years old. (whooopie!!) She was very encouraging she said one of her sons was like that and that they do grow out of it and that he will be fine keep doing exactly what we are doing. Okay but I don't know what I'm doing. Thank you Lord for the book "Bringing up Boys" and for some amazing mommies out there that have given me some priceless advice. Thank you so much for your prayers!!!