Tuesday, November 10

Making me work!!

My Son I love you so much..but you also drive me crazy.
You do the exact opposite of what I tell you to and then when I catch on and think I am being so sly you again do the complete opposite!! All the while looking at me with this sweet grin on your face!!
One second I am soo red and ready to explode the next your touching my arm saying "I love you sooo much mom" then you melt my heart!
What ever will I do with you...you are a three year old with an attitude of a 14 year old...makes me wonder what I have to look forward to at that age!! (God Help Me)
You know exactly what to say and what to do. I guess it's a gift. Daily the Lord shows me what an awesome man of God you will be if you have this determination and ability to have such an inquisitive mind.
I love you and thank God for you and pray for the wisdom and strength to make it trough another day with you....You make me work in every way possible. I realize that sometimes it's not you that has to be a good boy but it's mom that has to put herself down and let God show me.
My little man I love you with all my heart!! I will not give up because I know that God is in control and that I am raising a future man, husband and father.


wedogmomma said...

That was such a sweet post!
Boy minds are so NOT what we have!
But I can see God working through you to touch those kids.
It's awesome.
Press on momma!

Joan said...

I so hear yah. Jordan says "No" first, then does what I tell him to do, or lately he's been giving me the pout and furrowed brow. Geesh!
Thanks for this post. To know that I am not alone.
I love your heart for the Lord!
You're such a great momma and don't you forget that! :)