Today was an amazing all that is going on .......we
were all touched
by God's awesome LOVE! PRAISE THE LORD!!
Wednesday, October 22
Posted by The Shafer's at 11:50 PM 1 comments
"Harvest Party/ Boutique Sale" by Mia and Miss A
So hey...Guess what?
I had a Harvest Party Boutique Sale at my house
today!!!!! The Party was put on by Mia and her partner in crime Miss
A. The girls took Mias dresses
and hung them on her desk and then carefully displayed stuff. On a different
counter which I did not take a picture of there was even a cash
They said ......"we are having a Harvest Party and we are
going to sell all this stuff there....It's going to beautiful!!" Can you say entrepreneur's in the making!! They
even had some cute things to say about all the items so that Daddy would buy
them!! It was a fun day!! I didn't get a picture of the girls they were busy
baking things for the bake sale for the "Harvest Party"!
**Do you see poor Sleeping Beauty she is still waiting for her Prince to
come and rescue her!!!:)
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20
"He is Our Praise"
This weekend was so amazing ladies..Let me tell you why.. I went to a
conference that I wasn't feeling up to going but Guess What... I
went!! Why because I
was being held accountable!! Man when you put
word out that you need to be
held accountable in order to do things,
really step up to the plate and
take charge :)!! Believe me I
really need
that.... it seems like I can talk
myself out of just about
everything! Anyways, back to the conference.....let's
just say that it was wonderful
it was about Seasons as some of you know...the
women delivered the
just perfect and the worship was wondeful!!.....All those women
praising God
together it was Beautiful!!!
The best part for me
was that I had
a very dear friend who decided last minute to
go...she is struglling
right now and everything that these
talked about was like if they were
directly speaking to my friend. Now let
me tell you it did not stop at this
conference..... the next day at
church the same thing
happened...Oh my Lord
you ARe Amazing!! You are So
Loving and you guide us right when we reach out
limit and we throw our hands
in the air and say "I can't anymore Lord Show me
your will".... my friend
was completely
filled with the Holy
Spirit!!!! She looked so
peaceful that it was just flowing out of her. I
was sooo Happy for her that
I wanted to shout it from the roof tops, ( okay
maybe just from my
seat) How mUch the Lord had done for her!!!!!
I have been so blessed by her and all that she has shared and gone
through... You know what has blessed me is her strength and just her focus on the Lord... she has been standing firm and not wavering even when I would have already broken......Praying with her and just being there to listen and in the quiet times weeping.... it has all been a blessing!
So ladies....
when we have friends that are struglling with something in
their lives and we go
to them and encourage and pray with them. Be
prepared to be completetly BLessed by watching God's Mighty hand
in that situation.... I can't wait to be
at the other side of this
season in
her life with her and to see all the Glory that the
will Have!!
Let's be there for each other and encourage and Love just as
Christ Loves
US!!!! God Bless you Ladies for being such an encouragement
to your
smile, kind words and your beautiful Blogs!!

He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.
Deuteronomy 10:21, NIV
“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”
— Winston Churchill
Posted by The Shafer's at 11:08 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14
Smith's Family Farm
I love Autumn! The chill in the air, the colors around us are just so beautiful! We have been going to the Smith's Family Farm since we moved here which is three years ago. We always have a good time and this year with the high winds and all we had a really good time!
I love the age my kids are at right now they can do more things, they are understanding more....they are just a sponge wanting to soak up as much as possible every moment!!
So these last two months have been amazing the Lord has shown my husband and I what things are truly important and it was time to step up to the plate and do as he has told us to........ He wants us to be obedient about all things and one of those we struggle with is money.
Now I know I'm not alone on this one but when I finally felt that we had lost all control of it we asked for his wisdom and through it all He loves us and wants to see us do good. So here we are month two of a very strict budget and we are surviving it!!!!!!!.... The Lord has blessed every moment and my husband is so amazing. He is such a wonderful provider for our family not only with his job, but by how much he loves the Lord, the wonderful husband that he is and the father that he is to our kids!....... Amazing!!
Thank you Lord for giving us the wisdom and getting us back on track!

Posted by The Shafer's at 8:52 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 8
A day of Exploring......
After a long week of Daddy working, Friday was going to be a fun day! So Mia said she wanted to go we decided to go to the San Jose Discovery Museum! Can you say FUN!!! Okay I totally fell in love with the place, there was so much to do and my kids age wasn't an issue they got to do everything. If you haven't made it out there I recommend it! And just when we thought it was over there was a whole room upstairs for toddlers! Hellllo way cool!! We ended the trip with Mia and I making a corn husk doll which I must tell you is very easy and totally fun!!

Posted by The Shafer's at 7:26 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 1
Missing my Sissy!
I have not seen my Sissy since last October and I
miss her so much! She just sent me a picture and I want to share it with you
all, so you can see how beautiful she is!! Love you Sissy!
Posted by The Shafer's at 9:46 PM 0 comments