Wednesday, December 10

Something Heavenly

Okay, so I do this all the time I find a song that I totally love I will sing it all the time and then one day out of the blue the words just BAM hit me and I'm in awe of what the song is really about... anybody with me on that..probably not I know I'm a total DOrk!

! Anywho this song is by Sanctus Real it's called "Whatever You're Doing" and it is totally awesome!! Seriously I loved it before because it had some cool parts and now I think it's great! So if you find yourself struggling with something in your life, something that is bigger than you, take the time to sit quietly and listen to these words. The Lord is up to something and it's GOOD Ladies!! He loves you all so much and has been gathering women to share with one another and glorifying his name!!God Bless you all today!! Here's a little something Heavenly!


wedogmomma said...

I saw this on another blog the other day....yes....from Chaos...peace!
Praise God!

Leslie said...

Thanks for the reminder Karla!

Jenn said...

I had never heard this! I live close to a radio station and don't get good reception. I need to spend more time on - thank you for sharing!