My Birthday was May 29th and I turned 31! Yeah! We decided to go on a little adventure and so we went took Bart to San Fran and went to this little Aquarium and then walked around the city for a couple hours. When we got home we were all totally pooped!! I had some amazing melodies on my answering machine of Happy Birthday tunes that I wish I could have copied to a disc because they were hilarious!!! Not to mention the cute gifts right outside my front door!! I felt very special on my special day! a couple days later a few of the girls took me out to dinner and BOWLING!!!! It was so much fun I can't even express how wonderful I felt that night!! The lord has answered so many of my prayers, my hearts desires. Having these amazing women around me has definately been one of my answered prayers!! Thank you lord for another birthday and yet I feel more and more complete and younger! AMEN!!!
I am married to the Love of my life for 12 years in love with him for 19 years. We have two amazing kids that keep us laughing and on our toes!! I love scrapbooking, and anything crafty!!
1 comments: deserve every happy thought :D
love ya,
and Happy Birthday ....again....
(just getting a jump on making next year special ;)
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