Tuesday, July 17

Vacation Bible School!!

Mia attended VBS last week and let me tell you it was an emotional, fun, heartwarming, hot time!! She had a hard time with mommy leaving her and so she decided to cry!! So I stayed with her two of the four days that she went! (that's right I gave in) You don't understand when Mia cries her big crocodile tears you want to give her whatever she wants. Leaving her crying was so emotionally draining for me but hello it was only for three hours!! Even with all the crying going on Mia still had a wonderful time and met some amazing people and kids! On thursday she said the sinners prayer and accepted Jesus in her heart which was just to precious hearing her say the prayer made me realize how much I have to be accountable for her little life to teach her more and more about the lord. I'll be back to write about our camping trip.