Mommy and Daddy had date Night and this is what we Did!! We
built a Fort
and made cookies!! YUMmmO! Don't we Look Guilty!! We love
our Babysitter!!

PSALM 71:8
Mommy and Daddy had date Night and this is what we Did!! We
built a Fort
and made cookies!! YUMmmO! Don't we Look Guilty!! We love
our Babysitter!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 2:25 PM 2 comments
iT WAS a wonderful
day, we gave Thanks to the Lord for good Friends and Family. Who said family had
to be from the same blood line ...Family is us living as brothers and sisters in
the Lords will. God bless you all and I hope you had a warm and fuzzy
Here is Batman giving his grumpy look, I guess he is a little mad
that he can't find his Batmobile!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 2:10 PM 1 comments
Have you ever had moments where your life changes in an
instant...the way
you feel about things ....the way you see things...your
priorities are all of the
sudden shifted....this has been happening to me a lot.
And I'm not sad or stressed
about it, it is alll GOOD! I love how the Lord
is working in my life! First let
me tell you about my beautiful girlfriend
Jaime, I have known her since 8th
grade and we have remained friends she
called me a couple of months back and I
heard the words " I have to tell you
something, and no I'm not pregnant" I
instantly knew what she was going to
tell me was going to change me...then she
said.."Karla, I have Leukemia"...I
was completely silent and just cried!!! That
moment changed me and I
promised myself that I would be the best friend I could
possibly be and not only to
her but to all those around me!!! Now she lives in So. Cal
so I couldn't just
hang up and drive and give her a hug...I had to send her hugs and kisses over the phone and tell her how much
she means to me..that I will be there for her to do whatever
I possibly
can...!!! She is doing great and her spirits are high... I just Love her so
much for always listening and just being the sweetest friend ever!
This moment changed me.....
Saturday afternoon I got a call that my mom was evacuated from her apartment
complex and that literally when she left the hill outside her door was in
flames!! Now all I could do was pray and send out calls and emails to pray
them..... I have not spoken to my mom since October of last year and
been in complete prayer for her the last two weeks not only myself but
and so getting this phone call I knew ...Thank you Lord you provided
way....I made the phone call and they were okay, in shock and not really
what to think but none the less calm and in good spirits. I spoke
with my
precious sister(15) who after not talking to her for a year sounded
exactly like
me on the ..weird!! As of tonight they are staying
at a friends
house and they are not allowed to stay at their place. They
were able to get
what they could out within a time frame and that was it. (I
sit here and
wonder...what would I get if this was me???)This people changed is so
short, things can happen in a blink of an eye and most
importantly Family is
more important than stuff!! Lord again you have amazed
me....I can't wait to see
how this will turn out but for now we sit
Thankful for the Awesome God that
you are!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 9:34 PM 4 comments
So my prayer has been for the Lord to use me...I wan't to do
his work, I
want to be obedient when he presents a situation for me to act
on...I want Him
to be Glorified for everything!!! So as I sit here and type
this I am so
emotional because he is using me and to feel his presence and
know that he is
behind this , all that is going on in my house right now, is
soooo beyond
words!!!!! I love you Lord and Thank you that I can even help
this sweet girl!!
Please pray for us as we help our sweet friend move
in to our house! I
pray that she may feel Peace and Love from you Lord!! I
pray that our family
will provide for her the support that she needs....It
feels like she's my little
sister and I pray Lord that you will bless her
life!! That she will one
day do the same for others!!! Thank you all
if anybody that reads this....God
Bless you this beautiful
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:18 PM 3 comments
Posted by The Shafer's at 4:29 PM 2 comments
The week of Harvest Celebrations went so quick that
literally my head was
spinning!! While trying to celebrate and fight off
head colds the Kids really
did have an amazing week!!
At Our First
HaRvest Celebration we found some Princesses, Mermaids,
There WaS a cute little Flapper Girl......(Even Though
they didn't feel to
good they still look beautiful..... believe me this
picture took a lot to take
Buzz was there, Darth Vader, Optimus Prime,
Jedis.......And lots of others
that took the time from their busy work
to play some games and get some
An Hour later Mia had her Salt and Light meeting...Daddy, Evan and
I ad
practiced with her so she would be comfortable on stage......wellllll
she got on
stage and I was soooo proud of her... she said her name and that
she collects
Teddy Bears and then stopped.....But can I just tell you for
her to just say her
name was soooo AWESOme!! (this is her on stage.....she
is so cute..!!)
Here are our pumpkins.... we were going to carve them and do all
the fun stuff
but time just got away from us....instead this is what
happened to Mia and
Evan's Pumpkins......Not the greatest but hey this is
all I had to work with!!!!
(not Much..Lol)
Last thing was our church Party and it was a blast!!! Here they
are ready
to play some games Some Tickets...And play Laser TAG!!
Well I leave you with a picture of them Harvest 2008 and a Harvest 2007
below and Oh my goodness has my Little man and my Sweet Pea grown!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 6:25 PM 2 comments
Posted by The Shafer's at 10:58 PM 1 comments