Monday, January 26

Superheroes live in my hOuse!!

These are the capes that my superheroes where given.....are they not amazing! Sewn from scratch!!

This is Superhero MIa and Supehero Evan checking themselves out in the mirror!!Looking Good!
And here they are ready to go and rescue someone in distress!


They are amazing..they make their job seem so easy!

Thanks Leslie for the wonderful capes!! You are such an amazing friend!! Thanks for giving the kids a lifetime of memories!! God Bless your sweet giving heart!


Maritez said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those! It totally brought back memories of me & my sister running around the house in our Wonder Woman underoos (sorry, TMI? ;) times are happening at the Shafer household for sure!

wedogmomma said...

That's an awesome action shot!
Hiiiiii Ya!!