Monday, October 12


Sorry not the greatest pictures but it shows the just of it! It's a small room but we really put it to use!!
We also use the garage I have a folding table set up to do the messy stuff but this room has been a blessing!!

Mia's desk..we post stuff weekly on her board and at the end of the week we take it all down and put it in her binder!
My desk...folders on the left are weekly activities, worksheets and stuff. To the right is all the books that i use everyday for reading, art, ideas!

MIa's area

Mia's area

Books, art supllies, scrapbooking supplies, extra activity books!

Evans Area

Mia and Evans workboxes!


Trixie said...

Ok you crazy lady - I have watched your blog for weeks now and this week when I haven't you post like a bizillion times!!!! Oh my gosh - no wonder you were tired last week at CBS - you have been a wild homeschoolin' mama! I LOVE all of it!!!! I love the crafts, AWANA (you are braver than I), their schoolroom - everything - you are doing a beautiful job! Love you!

Maritez said...

This looks great! Great work :)

Joan said...

I am loving your school room!!! And all the activities for them. Yay for homeschooling!!! :)

skoolin5 said...

Your school room looks GREAT! I love it, so organized. come help me stay that way!! :0)

Trixie said...

Where o where has my Karla gone? Oh where o where can she be? With her kids at home and her busy schedule there - o where o where can she be???? Love you!