Wednesday, December 30
Friday, November 13
Tuesday, November 10
Making me work!!
My Son I love you so much..but you also drive me crazy.
You do the exact opposite of what I tell you to and then when I catch on and think I am being so sly you again do the complete opposite!! All the while looking at me with this sweet grin on your face!!
One second I am soo red and ready to explode the next your touching my arm saying "I love you sooo much mom" then you melt my heart!
What ever will I do with are a three year old with an attitude of a 14 year old...makes me wonder what I have to look forward to at that age!! (God Help Me)
You know exactly what to say and what to do. I guess it's a gift. Daily the Lord shows me what an awesome man of God you will be if you have this determination and ability to have such an inquisitive mind.
I love you and thank God for you and pray for the wisdom and strength to make it trough another day with you....You make me work in every way possible. I realize that sometimes it's not you that has to be a good boy but it's mom that has to put herself down and let God show me.
My little man I love you with all my heart!! I will not give up because I know that God is in control and that I am raising a future man, husband and father.
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Book of Colors
This project was for Evan but Mia was so excited that
she made one too.
Basically it's just paper lunch bags and you make colored
tabs and you find some
magazines and find colors. you can either work on one
color a day or however you
want to introduce them. With Evan I did one color
at a time and he had fun
cutting and playing I spy with
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:47 PM 1 comments
Counting/Sorting with Chocolate
Found this box of candies at the Dollar Tree and was going to
use for movie night and instead the kids were asking for something to do. So I
made a little sheet and told her to sort by color and then count. This was such
a huge success my little man went right along with it...I guess when you have
something to look forward to you will do what is necessary!! lol...Anything for
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Leaf People
We went searching for some leaves to make some crafts and this was the only thing I took a picture of...our cool leaf people and collage of leaves(Evans project lol) They turned out pretty cute!!
Posted by The Shafer's at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 12
Sorry not the greatest pictures but it shows the just of it! It's a small room but we really put it to use!!
We also use the garage I have a folding table set up to do the messy stuff but this room has been a blessing!!
Mia's desk..we post stuff weekly on her board and at the end of the week we take it all down and put it in her binder! My desk...folders on the left are weekly activities, worksheets and stuff. To the right is all the books that i use everyday for reading, art, ideas!
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:46 PM 5 comments
So I found myself overwhelmed with how much is available to homeschoolers! I love all the ideas and awesome stuff that people are using so I was looking for the right thing that would work for my kids and let's face it for me since I was going to be the one teaching it!
So after much and trial and error... I have come up with our curriculum for the year!! Haha I know it's October and I just figured it out...and yes your right it is October and I just literally have figured out what works!
So here goes it:
My Sweet pea (kinder)
Phonics ( Abeka)
Math (Abeka)
Handwriting ( Abeka)
Nature Study
Artist and Music study
Sonlight books!
My Little Man: (pre-school)
Letters (abeka)
Numbers (abeka)
Workboxes for both of them!
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:18 PM 2 comments
This is the kids first year at Awanas and I am proud!! They are doing so
they have already memorized five bible verses and their theme song and
When I first signed them I thought "Oh nooo what did I just sign
myself up for"
but it has been sooo easy!! Evan who I thought for sure there
is no way we are
memorizing these and let me tell you it comes so wuickly to
him!! I love it and
I recommend it. There are over 400 kids and I thought
this might be overwhelming
to my kids but they have really enjoyed it! This year is turning out to be so exciting for our family! New things to try and experience and the best part is we can do it together! Have a blessed day!
Posted by The Shafer's at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Letter Uu and Ii
I have been soo busy that I have not taken any pictures of our school
I found these and they are of Mia holding her umbrella that she made and
wearing her indian hat! She is learning all about vowels and consonants and
the Uu and Ii are what we were learning about here!!And yes that is their Pajamas and yes that is Evan as Underwear Boy!! and yes totally hilarious!! :) lol keeps it interesting!
Posted by The Shafer's at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Homeschooling
Well my little sweet pea keeps impressing me more and more!! She is
stepping out of her comfort zone more and more as of late and it is sooo fun
She got on this rope and hung on and giggled loudly
the whole time it was
hilarious~!!! She was sooo nervous but had so much
fun!! I am so proud of
Posted by The Shafer's at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26
Park Time
This park is directly accross the street from our house and let me tell you
my kids are there everyday!! Sometimes I have to close the blinds so that my
kids will forget about it and not ask to go fifty times!! LOl
Posted by The Shafer's at 11:58 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 14
The Simple Womans Day Journal

Posted by The Shafer's at 8:17 AM 1 comments